My Work

My Projects

Project Witch Shooter

A webapp based game built with Phaser 3, JavaScript, and Babel. This was a top down shooter where you are a witch sprite shooting down spaceships. This was a good practice of Object Oriented Programming and really understanding what goes behind game development. Dealing with physics, collision, game logic, and loading all of the levels and sprite images.

Project Chee-tah

A web app to watch and sync videos with others. The purpose for this project was for me and my friends to watch videos together at the same timestamp with one user controlling the play and pause. User interface and front end was built with React Hooks, SASS, Bootstrap and Typescript. Back end was done with Node.JS, Express, and Typescript. Sokcet.IO and Axios was used to communicate between the front and back end to help get our data and sync the videos. Deployment done with Heroku.

Project Ecommerce Jungle Rails

A Individual mini e-commerce website built in Rails. The Stack used was Ruby, Rails, RSpec, HTML, CSS, and Stripe. With this project I got to learn about MVC and even further my knowledge of OOP programming. A big goal for this project was being able to learn a unfamilar language and develop functional features. My favorite feature to implement was a receipt getting emailed after a purchase.

Project Resource Wall of Fame

A Pinterest-style resource wall The front end was built with jQuery, Javascript, Flexbox, CSS, and Ajax while the back end included Node.js, Express, and Knex. The database used was PostgreSQL and the server side rendering was done through a EJS view. I had a great time working with knex and a SQL database. I really enjoyed querying the database and making sure it optimized properly.

Project Chatty App

Chatty App is a simple, single page web app that allows users to chat in real-time. Built with ReactJS, Webpack with Babel, JSX, ES6, WebSockets, and SCSS. The main purpose of this project was to get a familar and understand React components and Websockets.

Project Tweeter

Tweeter is a simple, single-page Twitter clone, built upon the provided starter code for this project to put my HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery and AJAX front-end skills, as well as my Node, Express and MongoDB back-end skills to work.
